Monday, April 25, 2016

Portfolio Project Final

As referenced in my sketches, as a subject for this module, I have decided to work a portfolio of the work created in this class along with some additions of images which are my favorites. The intent was to keep it simplistic, since most of what I viewed from this assignments and real artist, they would allow their art and designs to speak for themselves.


Saturday, April 16, 2016

Module 6 Portfolio Project

For this last project I have decided to showcase all of the work I have performed this semester for this class. I will be creating a portfolio in a webpage desire. My intent is to get the navigation and the tools in alignment with the design of the pages. Attached below you will find several pages which I have sketched for the design. To keep it interesting I will be adding an addition page in which I will share some of my favorite images. I know some of the sketches may seem redundant, however it will keep me in order as I go through the design process.  Looking forward to your comments.


Sunday, April 10, 2016

Avatar Final

Below you will find my final Avatar submission for this module. I used a photo of my son for this project. I was having a little difficulty with the resolution of the image, so he volunteered to have me take another photo. I placed him in a desert background with a full moon to give the image a bit more of a mystical look. I hope you enjoy it!

Below you will find the source photos for the Avatar as well as the background.

High resolution photo of my son Chris, and yes he has my hair line! His hair line made it a bit easier, but when I got to the beard and the mustache, this required a bit more work.



Sunday, April 3, 2016

Avatar Sketch

For this project I will be turning a picture of my Son into an Avatar. I'm going for a fierce look on a tree lined desert background. Below you will find a sketch of what I will attempt to create.

I have already selected the image I will attempt to use for this project. Below you will find a copy of the image.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Update To Neil Young From Folk to Grunge

Upon reading some of the comments and ideas from my classmates and the Professor, I wanted to take the opportunity to improve on what I had started. Below you will find the updated book cover for your viewing pleasure. Thanks you to all for helping me learn and improve


Saturday, March 26, 2016

Neil Young From Folk to Grunge

Below you will find the final version of my book cover project. I have used images from both Pixabay and Wikipedia. You will find samples if the images below as well. The idea of the Rainbow was used to indicate the music of Neil Young and the contribution he has made to Folk, Rock and being the "Godfather" of Grunge. It only seemed suitable to have the music transcend into the heavens. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed creating it.






Saturday, March 19, 2016

Book Cover Design Sketches

For this Module the subject of my book cover is going to be Neil Young. He was is a great musician and known for playing everything from folk, rock to grunge. Yes I said grunge, he is actually known as the "God Father of Grunge". Most everyone loves his music, so I thought he would be a great subject for this project. Below you will find my sketches.