Sunday, March 27, 2016

Update To Neil Young From Folk to Grunge

Upon reading some of the comments and ideas from my classmates and the Professor, I wanted to take the opportunity to improve on what I had started. Below you will find the updated book cover for your viewing pleasure. Thanks you to all for helping me learn and improve


Saturday, March 26, 2016

Neil Young From Folk to Grunge

Below you will find the final version of my book cover project. I have used images from both Pixabay and Wikipedia. You will find samples if the images below as well. The idea of the Rainbow was used to indicate the music of Neil Young and the contribution he has made to Folk, Rock and being the "Godfather" of Grunge. It only seemed suitable to have the music transcend into the heavens. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed creating it.






Saturday, March 19, 2016

Book Cover Design Sketches

For this Module the subject of my book cover is going to be Neil Young. He was is a great musician and known for playing everything from folk, rock to grunge. Yes I said grunge, he is actually known as the "God Father of Grunge". Most everyone loves his music, so I thought he would be a great subject for this project. Below you will find my sketches.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Below you will find my poster for the subject of water conservation. In addition I'm posting the images which were used to produce the poster. The text was obviously inserted in Photoshop. I had to work with the warp option for a while to give some effect of movement. The drain was placed in the background, and then I adjusted the Opacity to give the illusion of the drain being part of the pool of water. I then used the healing tool to adjust and blend the two images. I ha da bit of difficulty with the resizing the image to 11x17 as indicated for this assignment, however overall I think I worked it out.  I purposely kept it simplicity to make the point. From those posters which I have viewed during our assignment, it was apparent the simplistic posters made big impacts.  I hope you like it!


                                                              Background Image

                                                                   Water and drain

                                                         Water Conservation Poster